Dates: October 23-27, 2020 Venue: Kuala Lumpur

Call for Abstracts & Registration Open Jan 1, 2020
Abstracts Submission Deadline May 1, 2020
Notification of Abstracts Status May 15, 2020 (participants start arranging travel)
Early-Bird Registration Deadline June 1, 2020 (contact us if you need more time)
Conference Technical Program Oct 23 - 26, 2020
Conference guided social visits / excursions Oct 27, 2020
AIM of the Conference
After decades of intense research on quantum information science worldwide physicists have successfully harnessed the peculiar properties of quantum world for quantum technology with the help of photonic technology, laser manipulations, nonlinear optical materials and metastructures. Quantum nonlinear optics, the marriage of quantum physics and intense light fields, enables the coexistence of quantum effects in strong fields, has opened up exciting new possibilities, such as miniaturizing quantum technology in integrated optical chips. This conference is intended to bring together leading experts, researchers and students in the fields to share their knowledge and innovations, discuss ideas and problems, leading to the advancement of quantum and nonlinear optical science and technology.
Scope and Topics
1. Quantum Optics
2. Quantum information, communication & computation
3. Quantum coherence, entanglement & correlation
4. Quantum optomechanics
5. Quantum nanophotonics
6. Quantum metamaterials
7. Quantum plasmonics
8. Quantum photonics
9. Quantum coherent matter & ultracold quantum gases
10. Cavity quantum electrodynamics
11. Nonlinear spectroscopy and microscopy
12. Nonlinear optics: effects and processes
13. Nonlinear optical materials and devices
14. Nonlinear quantum electrodynamics
15. Nanophotonics, nanomaterials and nanotechnology
16. Fundamentals of laser-matter interactions
17. Intense and ultrafast laser science & technology
18. Optical fibers, sensors and metrology
19. Optical materials
20. Quantum information technology
21. Quantum sensing
22. Quantum metrology
23. Quantum biology
24. Quantum medicine
(sponsored by OSA )